With our legal interim management and legal interim services, we offer solutions to the following situations:
• You need a temporary manager for your legal department.
• You want to establish or develop the legal department in your company quickly and competently.
• You would like to optimise, consolidate or (de-)centralise your legal department in order to offer or use legal services more effectively and save costs.
• You have temporary capacity bottlenecks in your legal department that need to be bridged flexibly and at short notice, e.g. due to crises, special projects, sickness or parental leave.
• You temporarily need special legal expertise that is not available in your legal department and whose development would not be possible at short notice.
• You have an M&A project with legally complex topics for which you need a legal interface function that provides professionally and organisationally competent guidance and mediation between management, the internal project members and the external lawyers.
• You need to address legal issues that your legal department is not familiar with, e.g. compliance-related subjects.
• You need to handle legal subjects that could lead to a conflict of interests for your internal legal specialists.